Charged by GM with starting a disaster recovery program for the division, including design of the product, infrastructure construction, defining the cost model, and implementing an independent audit procedure using an outside auditor. Needed to design a nonprofit model and deploy only enough hardware to match the number of clients that signed up. Division software did not use TMF-protected writes, which made it impossible to use vendor-replication software packages.

Project was kicked off on two fronts: designing the nonprofit model, and selecting a vendor to intercept writes from the application for replication. Built client model using an algorithm based on revenue percentage and application mix. Software was written and quality assured by the software vendor. Negotiated a deal with IBM to lease computer room space for a real-time NOC deployment.

Project was completed on time with sub-second replication to hot site for initial deployment of 13 clients. Client model distributed revenue received based on size and was rebated back to the client if not used for operating expense over the 12-month period. GM was pleased with the success and used the program as a marketing tool for prospects. KPMG provided yearly financial auditing for product compliance.

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